Sibshops provide young brothers and sisters with peer support and information in a lively, recreational setting. Sibshops are evidence of their loving concern for the family member who will have the longest-lasting relationship with a person who has a disability. And, for the kids who attend them, Sibshops are lively, pedal-to-the-metal events where they will:
Meet other sibs (usually for the first time)
Have fun
Talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sib with special needs with others who “get it”
Play some great games
Explore how other brother and sisters handle sticky situations sometimes faced by brothers and sisters
Learn about the services their brothers and sister receive
Have some more fun!
2025 Sibshops
Sibshops are offered for the 7-14 year old siblings of children who receive Special Education services (IEPs) through Rochester Community Schools.
Sibshops are offered at no cost to families and each unique session is run by a certified facilitator and a team of individuals who have a professional or personal understanding of the impact a child’s support needs can have on siblings.​
During each class “Sibs” of children with disabilities will have fun, eat delicious food, play games, and talk with other Sibs who “get it” about the good (and sometimes not so good) parts of having a sibling with support needs. Sibs will also learn more about disabilities and disability-related services.
All Sibshop sessions are unique and will be held at West Middle School. The more sessions the Sib attends, the more they will take away from the Sibshops and the more opportunities they will have to spend with other "Sibs" who "get it."
Please register for each individual session your Sib is able to attend using the following links:
Registration will close one week prior to the start of the session.
Families and Sibs are welcome to contact the Sibshop Facilitator with any questions or concerns.

Sibling Support Project
Sibshops provide siblings of kids with disabilities with peer support and information in a lively, recreational setting.
Enjoy this short video of the Sibling Support Project and the impact it can have on Sibs.
Learn more about the Sibshops and the Sibling Support Project.