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Save the date for the 32nd annual Sparkle Awards!
April 15, 2025 at Adams High School.


What is a Sparkle Award?

A Sparkle Award recognizes individuals and student peers whose support of Rochester Community Schools students receiving special education services is exemplary. Love your child's bus driver? Nominate him! Is your child's para beyond compare-a? Nominate her! Every nominee will be recognized and receive a Sparkle Award at the appreciation ceremony. In addition, a select number of nominees from each general category (i.e., Early Childhood, Middle School, High School, Post-High School, etc.) will receive special recognition.


Who May be Nominated?

You may nominate a Rochester Community Schools individual (staff member or peer) who has provided service to one or more Rochester Community Schools students in special education this school year. If you would like to nominate a group of staff or students, please fill out a separate nomination for each individual. Please reserve the honor of a nomination for those who have gone above and beyond in their service.

Nominations are open until March 9th. Click here to nominate.




Introducing the 2024 Sparkle Book

Our Sparkle Book is a compilation showcasing this year's Sparkle Award nominations accompanied by photographs of those who sparkle brightest in our district. We hope that these stories brighten your day and add a little sparkle to your life, just as the nominees have brightened the lives of our special education students and families. 


Our Sparkle Book can be viewed using the digital viewer below or downloaded as a PDF. 




ECSE - Donna Giles

ECSE - Gina Ruffini

Elementary - Amanda Carpp

Elementary - Rorie Endres
Elementary - Christopher Noronha
Elementary - Katie Woolsey


Middle School - Julie Monroe 

Middle School - Ms. Cottone's Multimedia Arts Class


High School - Manon Clavette
High School - Tracye Schwartz

High School - Michael Berry

Post High - Peggy Dona

Post High - Dennis McDermott


Durham - Daniela Lockard




Early On - Laura Hansen

Early On - Kristine LeMarbe


ECSE - Jennifer Michalak

ECSE - Gina Ruffini

Elementary - Dave Corba

Elementary - Quinn DeMarco
Elementary - Vidya Ganesh
Elementary - Fur Angels

Elementary - Mike Prange
Elementary - Megan VanderVoord
Elementary - Brittany Zelda

Middle School - Ariel Blizzard

Middle School - Pat Frink
Middle School - Catherine Gittner

Middle School - Anne Macfalda Mleczek

Middle School - Nitya Rai
Middle School - Julie Stalker


High School - Sophia Anderson
High School - Amy Cosentino

High School - Aaron Helander

High School - Amy Honeycutt
High School - Kate Jack
High School - Claire Ohlert

High School - Eleonora Richardson
High School - Tracye Schwartz

Post High - Jennifer Anderson
Post High - Katie Cloos
Post High - Peggy Dona

Post High - Emily McGowen


Durham - Joyce Faulkner

Durham - Christine Petracca

Durham - Vivian Spence



ECSE - Donna Giles

ECSE - Libby Hoffman

ECSE - Tara Karebian
Elementary - Hendrix Hall
Elementary - Kristina Nichols-
Elementary - Kari Kocher
Elementary - Bea Savoy Ferreira
Elementary - 
Miss Vallee’s Kindergarten Class 
Middle School - Jennifer Bland
Middle School - Toni Bisaro
Middle School - Abby Pudlo
High School - Cathy Gittner
High School - Paul Bernard
High School - Peggy McKinney
High School - Melissa Perkins
Post High - Dennis McDermott
Post High - Heather Romzek
Post High - Genet Haise



ECSE - Katie Schervish, Andrea Barry, Mary Kate Dawood, Cathy Welch & Anne Fossen

ECSE - Julie Lalik

Elementary - Delta Kelly 5th Grade Students

Elementary - Beth Winters

Middle School - Jacqueline Wood

Middle School - Laure Reinke

High School - Kim Filips

High School - Rochester High School Peer Mentors

Post High - Dennis McDermott

Post High - Katie Cloos


ECSE - Laura Washer

Elementary - Nicholas Aulph

Elementary - Laura Nazione

Middle School - Heather Poirer

High School - Gavin Kaiser 

High School - Mr. DoughRay Jr.

Post High - Kristi McAllister



Elementary - Lara Cornish
Elementary - Paula Kenny

Elementary - Dr. Amanda McKay

Elementary - Alexis Schwartz

Middle School - Sadie McCutcheon
High School- Elizabeth Bulat

High School - Alicia Perkins

High School - Corinn Rittner
Post High - Peggy Dona


ECSE - Tara Karebian

Elementary - Yumi Matsushita 

Elementary - Jane Walsh

Middle School  - Paul Diegel

High School - Reilly Herman

High School - Alissa Miller â€‹

Post High - Amy LaPorte

Post High - Tim Leader

Post High - Dennis McDermott

Post High - Brian Retzler


ECSE - Amanda Wald 

Elementary - Laura Hartner

Elementary  - Gina Belcastro

Middle School - Haley Sornig 

High School - Kelly Harper 

High School - Nick Schram​

Post High - Julie Mielnicki



Early Childhood - Debbie Zimmerman​

Elementary - Dawn Blackburn

Middle School - Matthew Aboud

High School - Sarah Mueller

High School - Rawaa Kareem

Post High - Dawn Heiple


Early Childhood - Chris Sundt

Elementary - Beth Booth

Elementary - Genet Haise

Middle School - Andy Jaracz 

High School - Amy Cosentino 

High School - Aaron Mize

Post High - Amy Chamberlain

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