Parents have been asking about their children who have IEPs or 504s what the mask mandate is.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this ORDER shall not apply to the following Persons:
a. Persons in the act of eating or drinking.
b. Persons under the age of four years; however, supervised masking is recommended for children who are at least two years of age.
c. Persons with developmental conditions of any age attending school for whom it has been demonstrated that the use of a face covering would inhibit the person's access to education. These are limited to persons with an Individualized Education Plan, Section 504 Plan, Individualized Healthcare Plan or equivalent.
d. Vaccinated teachers who are working with children who are hard of hearing or students with developmental conditions who benefit from facial cues.
e. Persons who have a medical reason confirmed in writing from a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) currently licensed to practice medicine in the State of Michigan.
For the full mandate please check view here.